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We seek to create and maintain a safe and comfortable environment for learning and worship for all who come through our doors.


Covid-19 Policies as of May 2023


Hevreh is a fully vaccinated campus, which means we ask everyone attending in-person events at Hevreh to be vaccinated to the full extent possible, if eligible. This extends to all household members of students attending our Religious School and/or Early Childhood Center. 


We encourage all those who are immunocompromised or over the age of 65 to mask. Masks are available in the Hevreh lobby. If you are not feeling well, we encourage you to stay home, and to join our services, programs, and meetings remotely. 


All Hevreh employees are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. 


The wearing of masks indoors is optional. In the spirit of pikuach nefesh, Hevreh will continue to take steps to minimize the risks of gathering in person. We will continue to offer multi-access (in-person and online) events whenever possible. 

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