B'nai Mitzvah​
B/Bar/Bat Mitzvah is a rite of passage after which we refer to our students by a new name: adults in the Jewish community. It is not a verb, as in "I was bar-mitzvahed last week," but rather a title and a process. At Hevreh, a person becomes B/Bar/Bat Mitzvah at a special Shabbat service on or shortly after their 13th birthday. This title comes with special privileges of leadership and responsibility. B/Bar/Bat Mitzvah is also a process of maturation and finding one's place in the Jewish community. For more information about B’nai Mitzvah at Hevreh, be in touch with Rabbi Gordon or Beth Robbins.
The following recordings are here for you to use while you practice. The page numbers are based on the bracketed page numbers in the Shabbat edition of Mishkan T'filah, and correspond to the regular page numbers in the regular version of Mishkan T'filah.
Blessing for Candles
Friday Night
Friday Night
Asher Yatzar p. [194]
This chatimah (literally “seal”) is the final line of the blessing for our bodies.
Elohai N’shamah p. [196]
This chatimah (literally “seal”) is the final line of the blessing for our breath and soul.
Nissim b’chol Yom
p. [198-202]
Nissim b’chol Yom literally means Everyday Miracles. These blessings are also known as the Morning Blessings, or Birchot Hashachar.
p. [215-216]
Ashrei is led responsively and is the main prayer in the section of the service known as P’sukei d’Zimra, or verses of praise.
Chatzi Kaddish
p. [224]
p. [226]
Barchu is our call to worship, and is a call and response prayer between the leader and the congregation.
Shema and V’ahavta
p. [232-234]
Avot v’Imahot and G’vurot
p. [244-246]
These prayers make up the beginning of the section of the service known as T'filah. It is also known as Amidah, or "standing prayer."
Torah Blessings
p. [368]
Blessing before HaftaraH
p. [372]
Blessing After HaftaraH
p. [372]