As intolerance of human differences — physical, cultural, social, spiritual — rises in the outside world, we’re launching an initiative to ensure everyone feels welcome, safe and respected at Hevreh.
In conjunction with the Union for Reform Judaism and other member congregations, we have convened an Ethics Task Force (ETF) of congregant volunteers to lead an exploration of our ethical culture and make recommendations for defining and strengthening the ethical framework of our congregation. Our decision to get information from the congregation is not because of some known problem at Hevreh. Rather, we are following the lead of other congregations that are creating ethical frameworks to help make their places of worship even better.
Over the past several months, we have interviewed members of the Hevreh community, where they have told us about experiences that have mad them feel more or less welcome here at Hevreh and in the wider world. The insights we collected from these interviews are now being reviewed, and are informing a new Congregational Covenant that will be presented to the Board of Trustees in April 2024.
Our process has been based on being part of a Torah-centered community--stories being told (the good, the bad, and the ugly), bearing witness, and engaging in our community -- congregant to congregant. The members of the Ethics Task Force believe that the input congregants have provided give us a better understanding of what the standards of interactions at Hevreh should be.
There are several ways to participate and share the experiences that made you feel more or less welcome here at Hevreh and in the wider world.
Use the webform linked below to:
a.Interview: share your story directly via a virtual interview. Click here to submit a request to schedule a Zoom interview.
b. Written statement via webform: click here to share your experiences by filling out the webform. The webform has guiding questions as well as a space to add more information. -
Tell us about your experiences in ethically challenging or comforting situations.
For further information about the Ethics Task Force and the forthcoming Congregational Covenant, please email
Request contact from a task force member to schedule
a virtual (Zoom) interview
Share your story in writing using the form below
Thank you so much for your willingness to share your experience as part an effort to establish a set of principles (guidelines) to help make Hevreh a warm, caring, inclusive and safe space for congregants, staff, teachers, rabbis and anyone else who engages with the community. We recognize that relationships with rabbis, with staff and with other congregants are sensitive.
Please know that the information you choose to share will be shared only with members of the task force and given the utmost respect and attention. Please also know that your experience may seem or be very small or slight-at least in your eyes. It's relevant because you experienced it or know about it and it has stayed with you-that alone makes it important enough to share. You may leave the name and contact form blank if you wish to.