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Hevreh & Zion Lutheran Church join forces for a day of service: Sunday, Jan. 20

On Sunday, January 20th, we’re going to church.

That’s right. As we prepare for our 5th Annual Yachad Day of Service, we are taking our entire religious school community, students, parents, teachers, madrikhim, and heading north to Zion Lutheran Church in Pittsfield.

This year, we are proud to announce the Yachad Interfaith Day of Service, in partnership with Zion Lutheran Church. With the leadership of their pastor, Timothy Weisman, and choir director Amy Renak (who is also the Hevreh choir director!) we have crafted a day that is sure to inspire, energize, and renew your faith in the power of people to do good. When considering all the ways we could spend our day, the opportunity to connect with another faith community, and to work together in partnership was one that we couldn’t pass up. Now more than ever, we want to model for our young people that we have more in common with our neighbors, and the only path forward is one which we walk together.

All Hevreh families should plan to arrive at Zion Lutheran by 10am for a musical service. Our Religious School students will participate alongside the choirs for one of the songs. Following services, our two communities will come together to do some good. Service projects will include making “care bags” for the homeless to be distributed at a weekly meal served at St. Josephs, making no-sew fleece blankets, and doing some joint advocacy around issues that are important to us all as people of faith. At 12:15p, we’ll conclude the day with lunch. This event is free and open to all. We ask that all participants bring a new, unopened package of tube socks, to be included in the “care bags.”

Questions? Be in touch with Jodie Friedman at


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